Have questions about Guernsey cows? At our farm we welcome you for tours, etc.
What makes milk from Guernsey cows so special?
Special attributes of our Guernsey cow milk are sealed into every pint of ice cream we make. Guernsey milk contains 12% more protein, 30% more cream, 33% more vitamin D, 25% more vitamin A and 15% more calcium than average milk.
The unique qualities of Guernsey milk, especially flavor, have always been recognized.
Click here to learn more.

Where can you find Ayars' ice cream?
We are adding new locations frequently.
Click here for current locations.
Where and how do you make your ice cream?
Our ice cream is made in a special room right on our farm. With assistance of the dairy divsion of the Ohio Dept. of Agriculture, we designed our facility that is actually attached to one of our larger barns.
Our entry faces a driveway and you can view the cows through one of the windows. All of our ice cream is made in small batches and is hand packed by Lucas, the only ice cream maker! It takes additional time to incorporate this process, but we feel such an effort is worth it.
Are those cows on the container real?
Absolutely! The photo was taken during the month of July on of our pastures. In fact, all of our cows have access to pasture. One of our cover girls is actually Genuine! Her story can be found on the ice cream page.
We spent a good deal of time designing our carton. It was never in doubt that we would use cows, but the colors and copy location went through several revisions. We even printed a proof, taped it to a container, and set it on grocery shelves to see how it looked.
Why did you select Ayars Family Farm as the name of your ice cream?
If you drive by our farm, you will see a sign that says Land of Living. Nearly 80 years ago, Jack and Gladys Ayars moved from the dust bowl of Kansas to begin their life in Ohio. It was in the spring of the year and they felt that Ohio truly looked like the land of living things next to their roots in Kansas.
That farm name has stood the test of time and the values they demonstrated in their farm, the cows, and of service to the community. We would like to think that those same principles are alive in the succeeding generations. However, we felt the ice cream should have a name that included Ayars...one that summed up who we were WITHOUT having to tell the story. "Ayars Family Farm" says it all simply!